Author Archives: Ryan Patterson

Primobolan (Primo) – Things To Expect From A Cycle 2020

Primobolan’s claim to fame is that it was ‘allegedly‘ a staple in Arnold’s Schwarzenegger’s steroid pile. Arnie was allegedly so fond of this chemical he would put it in insane doses to every steroid cycle. Or so the legend goes. Not that anyone’s seen Arnold use Primo. Nor has he accepted it openly. In bodybuilding […]

LGD 3033: A Thorough Review of this Highly Effective SARM

A Short Intro To LGD-3033 SARMs have been the newest buzz in town as they offer you a plethora of health benefits. LGD 3303 is comparatively new in the marketplace. It belongs to the class of Selective androgen receptor modulators or even SARMs which offer results, similar to the anabolic steroids without showcasing any possible […]

Deca Durabolin 101: Shocking Facts About Nandrolone Inside!

1 anabolic androgenic steroid that has been around for ages is Deca Durabolin. It was first prescribed back in the 1950s. The nandrolone esters were mainly utilized to help with significant burns and cancer. You may know it as Deca, Nandrolone or even Nandrolone Decanoate. Before we proceed, it is crucial that you know that. […]

A Review Of IRC.Bio

IRC.Bio Review: The Best supplier? IRC.Bio, short for Innovative Research Compounds, is a well-known SARMs provider. They are known for shipping, good customer care, and high-quality goods. Due to the popularity of the vendor, we chose to provide you with our IRC.Bio Review. In this review, we will be taking a closer look at just […]