Deca Durabolin 101: Shocking Facts About Nandrolone Inside!

1 anabolic androgenic steroid that has been around for ages is Deca Durabolin.

It was first prescribed back in the 1950s. The nandrolone esters were mainly utilized to help with significant burns and cancer.

You may know it as Deca, Nandrolone or even Nandrolone Decanoate.

Before we proceed, it is crucial that you know that. .

Deca Durabolin should NOT be confused with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

The distinction is that Deca Durabolin is your very long ester of the hormone Nandrolone. NPP has a small ester base.

So men, Deca durabolin is Nandrolone Decanoate.

In my opinion, Nandrolone Decanoate is among the most underrated steroids. I will be sharing whatever you need to learn about this particular compound.


Deca Durabolin has demonstrated to greatly increase muscle mass.

You’ll frequently see people run it during a burst. This is mainly in order to gain a lot of mass.

Most believe it to be a moist bulking steroid. Just like with Dianabol, you are going to be keeping a lot of water on this compound.

Since Nandrolone Decanoate is a long ester it is going to take a couple of weeks to kick in.

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Some bodybuilders do not experience the effects of Deca until about a month in their cycle.


Many people overlook the benefits that Deca Durabolin has to offer you.

In my opinion, Deca Durabolin is one of the best steroids for joint health and healing.

I’ve also heard a lot of folks have positive experiences with this particular chemical when it comes to joint pain relief.

Image result for deca durabolin benefits"

It’s also very effective at building size and strength. Especially during a bulk where you are going to be training heavy and difficult this chemical is great to use.

It is going to keep your muscles and tendons healthy whilst lifting heavy during your cycle.

Let us take a look at the advantages you may count on.

Deca Durabolin Benefits

  • Improve Performance
  • Increase Lean Muscle Mass
  • Boost Strength
  • Boost Joint Health
  • Boost Recovery

Another factor worth mentioning is that this compound is notorious for increasing the user’s strength.

In general, Deca is a good chemical to use for putting on muscle mass and strength.

It is suggested to combine Deca with a Testosterone Base such as Sustanon.

If you’re searching for a solid compound to add into your steroid cycle or blast you must definitely consider deca.


Much like any steroid, Deca Durabolin does include certain side effects.

In my view, the side effects are nowhere near those of Trenbolone.

They are manageable if you know what you do.

The most reported side effects with Deca are Deca Dick and bloat (water retention).

Deca dick can be a tough one. Some customers report using Cabergoline and Cialis to assist with this negative effect.

With Deca, your weight will most likely shoot up within several weeks. A good deal of this will be water weight brought on by the bloat.

Deca Durabolin Side Effects

  • Deca Dick
  • Testosterone Suppression
  • Gynecomastia
  • Increased Water Retention

There will also be suppression of this natural hormone system when using Deca. However, this is the case with every androgenic anabolic steroid, even Winstrol.

You will surely require a Post Cycle Therapy after your cycle is over.

Image result for aas cycle enhanced"

When conducting any sort of steroids I always highly suggest buying a cycle service merchandise.

With ingredients like N-acetyl Cysteine and Milk thistle, you will help keep your organs healthy. In my opinion, this is a MUST have merchandise when AAS.

If you’re running into libido problems or want a boost I suggest stocking up on a natural testosterone booster.

Both of these products can help protect and combat the negative effects of Deca Durabolin.


Deca is often used during bulking steroid cycles.

The most effective dosage seems to be everywhere from 300mg to 600mg a week.

Deca Durabolin has a half-life of 6 to 12 times. This means it has to be injected once each week.

It needs to be applied through muscle injection. There’s no oral deca or pills. The ones you see on sites are fake and do not do anything.

It is ideal for gaining strength and size. A typical bulking cycle will include Deca Durabolin and Testosterone Enathate.

Deca Durabolin Cycle Example

Deca: Week 1-14 — 400mg/week
Testosterone Enanthate: Week 1-14 — 500mg/week

This is just an example. Some users might even throw in an oral such as Turinabol.

Always make sure to have a PCT available when beginning a steroid cycle.

This chemical can be overlooked by steroid users. It’s extremely powerful and is great for putting on a lot of muscle mass.


You are not going to find any valid sources which have deca durabolin available.

It’s also a scheduled chemical and may have serious side effects. This is the reason why I suggest checking out DecaDuro.

This is a legal option that can help you reach your goals even faster when utilized correctly.

It’s known for increasing size, strength and overall performance. I suggest checking it out since it’s a great item.