My Personal Experience With Ostarine Increasing My Lifts

Introduction to Ostarine

Ostarine goes by other names like MK-2866 and Enobosarm. This Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) has been well researched and proven to increase lean body mass as well as physical functionality. It also increases ligament health, tendon strength, and bone density, all while encouraging the expedited turn-over of collagen.

Ostarine is non-steroidal and causes tissue-selective anabolic effects in bone and muscle while sparing the androgenic effects from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS). Whether you are looking at Ostarine to gain muscle during a bulk phase, or even preserving muscle when on a cut, I will elaborate my personal opinion about this powerful SARM.

When I first researched about PED’s some time back, my view on peptides and SARMs was jaded. After I heard my bodybuilding friends constantly talking about SARMs, peptides, and so on, I started doing more extensive research. I had never bothered to know anything about these ‘jargons’.

Why I decided to try Ostarine

I basically do the bridge in between cycles where I will use low doses of testosterone in order to maintain physiological test levels that are high and normal.

I completed experiments with several different approaches to my cut and bulking phases over some years. At the time, one of the things I really wanted to try was a cutting phase soon after my off-season. I did this to try and regain the sensitivity of my insulin so that I could begin bulking again.

Some years back, I had a bulk phase which was performing very well. I had quite a bad injury, which had to undergo immediate surgery within my bulk phase. To say the least, I was very annoyed as I had to cut off my season short while I was mid-way through it.

I was definitely not content with what I gained during the off-season. My diet habits during the surgery and recovery time were also somehow annoying. The inability to do any cardio or lifting obviously took a huge toll on my actual physique.

The sensitivity of my insulin became pretty tanked, and I also had too much body fast at the time for me to justify getting back instantly into a bulk phase right away. This was because after recovery I became too fat.

I just had to motivate myself by doing mini diets in order to get back to <10% of body fat, regain sensitivity to insulin, and then resume my off-season cycle that was abruptly cut short by surgery.

I did not prefer to use an intense cut down of a cycle in order to reach 10% of body fat, as I was just using a very small dose of testosterone at the phase of surgery and recovery. This is because I was trying to allow my body a break to prepare it for the hard hits it would be taking once I got back to my bulk phase.

A friend suggested that I should introduce Ostarine, or another SARM, into my supplement routine. He insisted that this would help me preserve muscle during my cut phase as I tried to mend the bridge between my two bulk phases during my recovery period, as well as after surgery.

He told me about his results after using Ostarine, then I did extensive research and made the final decision to give it a go.

My Ostarine Results And Overall Experience

The ultimate goal for the mini-diet was to cut off as much body fat as possible or get into the range of at least 9-10% bmi, while preserving my lean muscle mass and using the least possible amount of Performance Enhancing Supplementation.

The mini-cut became really successful. It put me in a perfect spot of starting my bulk back up in a better position that was relative to the composition of my body after the mini-diet.

I never lost any strength nor did l lose any lean muscle tissue, and I was able to probably get 8-9% off body fat with 3 sessions of cardio every week at about 25 to 30 minutes during my most involved part of the cut that took 6 weeks.

The Ostarine absolutely aided in keeping me stronger and harder than I would have been if I had simply opted to cut off on a small amount of testosterone.

In my opinion, my personal experience with Ostarine was awesome, as I increased on my compound lifts during the mini-cut. It is safe to say that I gained some lean muscle regardless of being under a calorie deficit.